

Steffen Kapke

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Memory Calculator for R
A simple Memory Calculator to predict how much memory R requires for a given data-set
Reproducible Research - Peer-graded Assignment 1
This assignment makes use of data from a personal activity monitoring device. This device collects data at 5 minute intervals through out the day. The data consists of two months of data from an anonymous individual collected during the months of October and November, 2012 and include the number of steps taken in 5 minute intervals each day.
Regression Models Course Project
In this brief analysis we take a look at the “mtcars” dataset and try to answer the following qustion: Is an automatic or manual transmission better for miles per gallon (mpg)?
Presentation Capstone Project
Pitching the Capstone Project app as if presented to a boss or an investor
This report is a peer-graded assignment in the course *Capstone Project*, part of the *Data Science* Specialization on Coursera from the Johns Hopkins University.
Reproducible Research - Peer-graded Assignment 2
The basic goal of this assignment is to explore the NOAA Storm Database and answer some basic questions about the impact of severe weather events on health and economic consequences in the US.