

Tanay Karnik

Recently Published

Trade News Service
Trade News Service
Real Estate- Prediction of Housing Sales Prices
Real Estate- Prediction of Housing Sales Prices.
Capstone Project- Analysis of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency
Analysis of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency.
MBA Starting Salary
Analysis of the MBA Starting Salary Case Study
Airline industry mini project
Analyzing the pricing of Premium Economy tickets relative to regular Economy airline tickets.
Harvard Business School Case Study Store24 (A): Managing Employee Retention
Data Analysis of Harvard Business School case study Store24 (A): Managing Employee Retention.
Dean's Dilemma t-test
Hypothesis- "The average salary of the male MBAs is higher than the average salary of female MBAs."
Titanic t-test
Hypothesis: The Titanic survivors were younger than the passengers who died.
The Dean's Dilemma Case Study
Analysis of The Dean's Dilemma Case Study
Titanic Case Study
Titanic data set analysis.
RMD Demo 2
Demo of RMD style reporting.