

Erik Pinter

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AfterwoRd Text Prediction App
Data Science Capstone Project part of the Coursera Data Science Specialization by Erik Pinter, June 2017
Coursera Data Science Capstone - Milestone Report
This milestone report is part of the final course of the Coursera Data Scientist Specialisation from John Hopkins University: the ‘Data Science Specialization SwiftKey Capstone’. The goal of this project is to apply data science in the area of natural language processing.
ViennaCityTrees Shiny Application
A presentation explaining the ViennaTreesShinyApplication. Github repository:
Population of Vienna City districts since 1869
This Markdown presentation explores the possibilities of using plotly with open data from Vienna City Administration. The following slides show how to import, manipulate and plot the Population of the 23 Vienna City districts since 1869. required libraries: library(plotly) library(lubridate)
Trees > 15m in Vienna City, Austria
This Markdown document explores the possibilities of using leaflet with open data from Vienna City Administration. The following code shows how to import, manipulate and show all trees in the vicinity of the City of Vienna which are taller than 15m. required libraries to run the code: library(leaflet) library(tidyr)
NOAA Storm Data Analysis: Impact of Storms and Severe Weather on Population Health and the Economy
This work is submitted as part of the course: Coursera: Reproducible Research Peer-graded Assignment: Course Project 2