

Manoj B Agravat

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Energy decreases in negative values as RMS increases.
Root mean Square decreases as temperature decreases.
The entropy change is exponential with decreases of temperature and becomes linear.
The plot of average acceleration and time inverse is showing a change where decrease in time gives more acceleration.
The energy total with the logarithmic derivation to show the energy is both part energy and loss of momentum per iteration in steps.The proof of energy and time correction shows energy becomes momentum. The first logarithmic proof is supported by the time correction.
The plot of Energy of special relativity and energy total is showing what is a roughly right triangle predicted by physics and math.
Energy and special relativity by a new velocity (f) frame is also linear and regular.
Energy of special relativity is a small slope and linear with respect to V(0) for real numbers (0,5).
Energy of special relativity and velocity is showing a very small slope close to the horizontal axis.
Momentum from probability of 1- c for substitution of z versus the potential energy shows a steady level for momentum then potential energy increases from the hypotenuse method where symmetry is possible for isosceles right triangle.
The figure of Momentum derived from P(z=1-c) ,momentum correction, and elliptical correction results in a linear relationship which is also statistically normal from Shapiro Wilks test.
Negative momentum squared versus negative energy results in an upside down cup which is also a property of dark matter and energy.
Negative mvv is a form of energy of the relationship of mass and probability where based on independence the derivative may produce negative energy.
The pattern of negative momentum squared from about the P(m)*m and the relationship of Independence with mass is showing a conical form for positive values of mass resulting in a term which can be P squared of classical mechanics.
Principal Quantum Number Momentum and C Constant by Time
The principal quantum Number and momentum time correction based on speed of light shows lowest orbital has the most Energy
Principal Quantum Number and Momentum Frequency by TIme Correction
The Principal Quantum Number and momentum time correction shows for change in orbits, the momentum by frequency will be less negative.
Figure 2
The time associated with Y transformation, and infinite speed shows a range of time which has a right triangle a small relationship though not equal for sides.
Figure 1
For the Y mass transformation and infinite Speed, and values of Y for mass and probability of three events, the pattern in nonlinear and hyper-parabolic
As probability of time increases, wavelength increases with the shortcut equation t ~ D/square root(c).
The relationship of the Time Dilation Shortcut for time ~ distance divided by the square root of velocity shows a pattern where probability of Time decreases distance increases which is an inverse relationship.
The Plot of Probability of Time Dilation shows an increase of Time Dilation and Probability of Time Based on the Elliptical Correction Method.
The representation of Time dilation short form with probability of time and Lambda C transformation from Agravat shows the relationship of wavelength increase as probability increases which is directly increasing.
The relationship of the Time Dilation Shortcut shows a pattern where probability of Time decreases distance increases which is an inverse relationship.
The Plot of Probability of Time Dilation shows an increase of Time Dilation and Probability of Time Based on the Elliptical Correction Method.
Y Mass Transformation with P(z) the range of time and probability is first somewhat linear and then decreasing sharply for independent time and Mass based on Y transformation.
The Y mass Transformation is showing an orhto relationship for energy correction based on the Y mass method.
This new plot shows an increase in mass based on Y transformation for an increase in speed supporting Einstein for conservation of momentum.
Energy Correction Transformed and Probability correction with Agravat Series shows an irregular right triangle from with all parameters transformed
Agravat Series and Energy Correction Based on N Statistics show a roughly right triangle relationship of Probability and Energy (Probability Correction plotted by no Energy Correction by Agravat Series)
The trend for energy correction and time correction is less with more time
Figure 3.
The plot of time correction and energy plot shows a decreasing trend with points from artcile in
Figure 3. Time Correction and Energy Correction Plot
Time correction and energy plot in ( for points Science Journal of Phyics) and Science 2.0 show a decreasing trend for time correction
Figure 3. Time Correction and Energy Correction Plot
The plot shows according to SJPUB article the decreasing energy trend.
Figure 2. Uncertainty
The relationship of uncertainty is nonlinear.
Figure 1. Change in Energy vs Change in Time
The change in time shows less energy
Figure 1 Change in Energy vs Time for Uncertainty and "N"
There is a decrease in energy for increase in time based on E~ mv/n.
figure 1. Change in Energy and Time for Uncertainty
The plot shows the change in energy for increase in change in time for uncertainty.
Residuals of MPG
The plot of residuals of MPG shows a nonlinear pattern.
The plot of the variables MPG vs AM is here.
Histogram of MPG Motor Trend
This is a histogram of MPG's in Motor Trend