

Vitor Zamprogno Amancio Pereira

Recently Published

Next Word's Prediction - Coursera
The purpose of the application is to provide the most likely word to continue user-supplied text. Developed as the final work of the Coursera Data Science course
Next Word's Prediction - Coursera
Next Word's Prediction Coursera Data Science Course
Next word's prediction Coursera Data Science Specialization (Final Project)
Milestone Report: Exploratory Data Analysis and Modeling
Milestone Report: Exploratory Data Analysis and Modeling
Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch
Developing Data Products -Coursera
Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch
Developing Data Products - Coursera
Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch
Coursera - Developing Data Products - week 4
R Markdown Presentation & Plotly - Coursera week 3
R Markdown Presentation & Plotly
R Markdown Presentation & Plotly - Coursera
R Markdown Presentation & Plotly - 3D Scatter PLot
R Markdown and Leaflet
Coursera - Data Science Course 9- Developing Data Products Peer-graded Assignment: R Markdown and Leaflet
Reproducible Research -Peer Assignement 2
Analysis of the economic and public health problems that severe climatic events can cause on public health and the economics of communities and municipalities