

Stephanie Hogg

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AUC for PPJSDM All Models for 5 Fold Eucalypt Data, restricted
Shows the AUC for all PPJSDM models for the 5 fold Eucalypt data for 6 species using a restricted Papangelou Intensity window based on the union of rectangles used to fit the model.
Caclculate AUC using Papangelou Intensity for PPJSDM with Folds Restrictions
Calculates the AUC values from the Papangelou Intensity for PPJSDM fitted across 5 fold data for 6 species from the Grampians Eucalyptus data. The AUC is calculated from a restricted Papangelou Intensity set created by masking the previously created Papangelou dataset and using with AUC.
Papangelou Intensity and AUC for PPJSDM Model 6, Folded Eucalypt data
Calculation of the Papangelou intensity and AUC for each fold and each species. Plot of Papangelou for common intensity scale over all folds and species is shown. Table of AUC values for each fold and species is shown. Model 6: short range (selected best value in range 0.001-0.004), medium 2.5X, long range 0.0075)
AUC for PPJSDM Model 2 (corrected)
Calculates the Papangelou intensity from fitted PPJSDM model fitted to entire data set. Calculates the AUC from the Papangelou intensity using Spatstat.
Alternative AUC Calculation for PPJSDM using union of rectangles
Restricts the Papangelou intensity to the area defined by the union of rectangles. Then calculates AUC
PPM Models and AUC
Fit PPM models to survey eucalyptus data and calculate the AUC
PPM Models for Eucalypt data
Single and multiple species PPM models for the Eucalypt models, showing prediction intensities and AUC.
Recaluclating AUC for PPJSDM - reducing the covariate area
Using a convex hull to restrict the covariate (and hopefully AUC calculation area). This is for model 12, similar results available for other models on GitHub.
AUC for the MVP Model
AUC tables and ROC plots for the Multivariate Probit (MVP) JSDM (based on Pollock et al 2014) for 6 species of Grampian Eucalypt data. Shows results for 5-fold training and validation datasets.
Compare AUC for PPJSDM Models - no folds with jitter
The html shows a list of models, with AUC by fold and species. As this is for the entire dataset, there is a single fold shown. At the bottom of the page is a table of the AUC by model and species for easy comparison.
AUC from Papangelou Model 1 all data
AUC from Papangelou Model 1 all data
Fit PPJSDM Models Euc Data - no folds
Fits a number of PPJSDM to the Eucalyptus data without any folds in the data (i.e. the entire data set) for 6 species of Eucalypt.
Fit PPJSDM Models to 5 fold Eucalypt Data
Fits a number of PPJSDM models to Eucalypt data divided in to 5 training/validation folds.
AUC for PPJSDM Files for Eucalypt DAta
AUC comparisons for fitted models for the Eucalypt data. AUC generated from Papangelou intensities.