

Eamon Corr

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Machine Learning - Predicting how participants perform exercises
Exercise Performance Predicting the manner in which participants perform exercises Background There are many devices that record key fitness performance metrics making it now possible to collect a large amount of data about personal activity relatively inexpensively. The goal is to take measurements about themselves regularly to improve their fitness, health and to and find news patterns in their behavior. One thing that people regularly do is quantify how much of a particular activity they do, but they rarely quantify how well they do it. The project will use data from accelerometers on the belt, forearm, arm, and dumbbell of 6 participants. They were asked to perform barbell lifts correctly and incorrectly in 5 different ways. The goal of this project is to predict the manner in which they did the exercises.
South Australian Dive Sites
R-Markdown-and-Leaflet-Assignment R Data Products: Week 2 Assignment. Simply click the a circle for the name of the Dive Site and it's maximum depth. Green circle sites - Open Water certified divers. Orange circle sites - Advanced certified divers only. Circle Radius approximates depth of the dive, i.e. the larger the circle radius the deeper the dive.
Titanic Survival Predictor Slides
Shiny App
Testing 3D plots
Impact of Severe Weather Events (USA)
This document was completed entirely in a single R markdown document and transformed into a HTML document using Knitr, a tool to create reproducible documents from R coding. The project proved a great exercise in collecting, cleaning, processing and analysing raw data using R. The project was completed as part of the “Reproducible Research” certificate (part of the Johns Hopkins University Data Specialisation). Impact of Severe Weather Events (USA). Storms and other severe weather events can cause both public health and economic problems resulting in fatalities, injuries and property damage. Preventing or at least reducing the impact of such outcomes to the extent possible is a key concern. This project uses R to explore the NOAA storm database (U.S National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administrations) to answer the following questions. 1) Which types of events are most harmful with respect to population health across the U.S. 2) Which types of events have the greatest economic consequences across the U.S. This report may give some insight for government/social agencies when preparing for severe weather events and prioritising resources with respect to severe weather events in the future.
US Severe Weather Events Assessment 2
Reproducible Research: Peer Assessment 2
testing RPubs