

Dino B

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Word Predictor shiny app
A slide deck presentation of Word Predictor - a light online app for predicting words on mobile phones.
Data Science Specialization - Capstone project, milestone report
This milestone report is a part of the capstone project in the Data Science Specialization offered on Coursera by the Johns Hopkins University. The goal of this intermediate report is to perform exploratory analysis of three different corpora of English (US) text used for creating the prediction algorithm later on in the project.
Qualitative assesment of weight lifting exercises
Practical Machine Learning Course Project - Data Science Specialization, Johns Hopkins University (Coursera) In this analysis, we use sensor data from activity trackers such as JawboneUp, NikeFuelBand, and Fitbitit and build a machine learning model to accurately predict the qualitative manner in which the weight lifting exercise was performed.
FM synthesis visualization
FM synthesis visualization app is a simple application used to simulate the basics of FM (frequency modulation) synthesis with sine and cosine waves. It allows user to provide parameters for three different functions that are combined into resulting waveform which is represented graphically in the interface.
Analysis of transmission type impact on fuel consumption in cars from 1973-1974
The goal of the report is to analyze the data set of 32 cars produced in 1973-1974 using linear regression models and explore the impact that transmission type and other various design features have on fuel consumption efficiency of a car.
Exploring the relationship between person’s family income level at age 16 and his/her current family income
This study explores a correlation between the family income of the US citizens when they are teenagers at age 16 living in their parents homes and current family income when they are adults of age 30 and over.
Impact of storms and other severe weather events on population health and economy in the US
The objective of this report is to explore NOAA (U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) Storm Database and explore which severe weather events have the most harmful impact on the population health and economy. In particular, we are interested in the counts of estimated population fatalities and injuries, and also the size of property and crop damage linked with the specific weather events. This report is a part of Reproducible Research course in Johns Hopkins University Data Specialization track at Coursera.