

Niels Hanson

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Predict the next word...
Presentation for the final project of John Hopkin's Coursera Data Science specialization.
Data Science Capstone: Milestone Report
This is the milestone report for the John Hopkins data science Coursera capstone course.
Intro for Kai.
STAMPS 2014: Downstream Analysis with MetaPathways
Provide some examples of downstream analyses from MetaPathways data in the R Statistical Programming Environment.
De-confusion Tables
A Shiny R Web-app for learning about binary classifiers
Reproducible Reasearch Peer Assignment 2: Of US Exeme Weather Events (1950-2011) Huricanes and Storms drive Costs while Tornados drive Deaths and Injuries
Analysis of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) storm database for economic costs and population health.