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Implementing the Simplex Method in the Matrix Way
Implementing the Simplex Method in the Matrix Way
Data Analyst Simulation with Analyst Dumbell Chart; Jakarta Migrants Movement 2022 to 2023
The purpose of Dumbbell Chart analysis in migrant cases is to identify the growth or decline of migrant populations. Taking the case of the Jakarta area from 2022 to 2023.
Text analysis
Analyst Timeline: Case Timeline Framiing Media of Communist Propaganda in Indonesia
Identifying the timeline through the theme of anti-communism and communism propaganda. Because the news data is taken from the last 25 years, therefore this research process will get a comprehensive picture in the form of a monthly time period, which months the two propaganda are often informed in each month.
RMarkdown Presentation and Plotly
ChickWeight plot
Rhtml = ggplot() _ gt(summary) = css(centered), hidden codes
Rhtml = ggplot() _ gt(summary) = css(centered), hidden
Text Analyst Case: Text Search Anti Communist Propaganda In Framing Media Indonesia
Analysis of media framing of anti-communist propaganda in Indonesia, the aim of this analysis is how Indonesian anti-communism is narrated by the media and what words are often used.
according expected shortfall