

James Angus

Recently Published

Predicting NFL running back rushing yards using Hierarchical Bayesian Linear Regression
MATH2269 – Applied Bayesian Statistics - Final Project
Bayesian Statistical Analysis of Melbourne Property Prices
MATH2269 – Applied Bayesian Statistics Assignment 2
Forecasting electricity demand in Victoria using Time Series Analysis
Time Series Analysis - Assignment 3
Time Series Analysis - Assignment 2
Time Series Analysis of Antarctica land ice mass series
Time Series Analysis - Assignment 1
Time Series Analysis of ASX dataset
Regression Analysis - Assignment 2
MATH1312 – Regression Analysis
Storytelling with Open Data - Crash Stats
MATH2270 Assignment 3
Data Visualisation - MATH2270 - Assignment 2
A problematic data visualisation exploring cases of covid-19 in Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa was deconstructed and then reconstructed to correct the problems in the original visualisation.
Machine Learning for Beginners using R
Based on "Your First Machine Learning Project in R Step-By-Step” by Jason Brownlee from Machine Learning Mastery, this process uses machine learning to produce a model that can predict flower species based on the length and width of a flower’s petals and sepal (bud) found in the Iris data set in R.
Data Wrangling (MATH2349) Assignment 2
Population and weather data for locations in Australia. Pre-processed, merged, mutated and transformed to produce a data set that could be used to explore relationships between weather and population growth