

Stephanie Stallworth

Recently Published

InstaChat Word Prediction App Presentation
R Presentation introducing InstaChat, a Shiny app predicting text based on user input.
Predictive Text Model
Predictive model to suggest text from a given list of questions.
Predictive Text Exploratory Analysis
Report demonstrating exploratory analysis and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for the eventual development of a predictive text model and app.
Non-Linear Regression
Fitting four non-linear regression techniques to Longley dataset
Linear Regression
Demonstrating four popular linear regression techniques on the Longley employment dataset.
Iris Machine Learning
Multinomial classification on Iris dataset
StockTrak Shiny App
Presentation introducing StockTrak, a Shiny application designed to report stock performance over a selected period of time.
Predictive Machine Learning
Predictive modeling to predict the manner in which participants perform weightlifting exercises for 20 different test cases
Inferential Analysis
Inferential analysis using the ToothGrowth data set
Central Limit Theorem Exploratory Analysis
Exploratory analysis investigating the exponential distribution in R as it relates to the Central Limit Theorem
Activity Tracker Reproducible Research
Reproducible analysis of data collected from activity monitoring devices.
Power Consumtion Exploratory Analysis
Exploratory analysis of "Individual household electric power consumption" data set from the University of California Machine Learning Repository
EPA Exploratory Analysis
Exploratory analysis of the EPA's National Emissions Inventory database to identify trends in fine particulate matter solution in the United States between 1999-2008.
Plotly Interactive Web Graph
R Markdown presentation demonstrating how to create an interactive graph with Plotly
Leaflet Interactive Map
Interactive map of the University of Dayton using Leaflet
Regression Modeling
Regression analysis exploring the mtcars data set.
Storm Data Reproducible Research
Analysis of severe weather events using U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) storm database