

Jean Marie Cimula

Recently Published

Serendipity effects in my emails!!!
Serendipity effects in my emails!!!
AIMNEXT Inc, Small Fish in a Big Pond
AIMNEXT Inc, Small Fish in a Big Pond
Data backup and recovery procedure could take an eternity but it’s worth it!
Data backup and recovery procedure could take an eternity but it’s worth it!
Deep Learning for Dummies
Deep Learning for Dummies
Churn in Telecom Industry: brain teaser or plague?
Churn in Telecom Industry: brain teaser or plague?
Towards a passport pricing method to relieve controversial change in DR Congo
Towards a passport pricing method to relieve controversial change in DR Congo
Analyzing the Behavior of a WhatsApp Group
Analyzing the Behavior of a WhatsApp Group
Efficient Estimation of Word represention in a Corpus
Milestone Report
Dynamic Regression Models
Dynamic Regression Models
Advanced Linear Regression
Advanced Linear Regression
Machine Learning Project WriteUp
Machine Learning Project WriteUp
Simulation and Comparison between Exp. distribution and Central Limit Theorem
Simulation and Comparison between Exp. distribution and Central Limit Theorem
Reproducible Research
Reproducible Research
ToothGrowth Analsyis
ToothGrowth Analsyis
Regression Analysis
Prediction of the consumption of vehicles based on Multivariate Regression Analysis
Reproducible Research
Analysis and Visualization using NOAA Storm Database to highlight the Severe Weather Events on Public Health and Economy in the United States