

Patrick Machado

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Temperatura Global en Tierra en Julio del último siglo
Temperatura media Global en Tierra en Julio del último siglo
Ratificación de los paises Africanos en ILO
Timeline con las fechas de Ratificación de los paises Africanos en ILO: International Labour Organization
Principales asesinas de GOT
Principales asesinas de Game Of Thrones - Nodos rojos: asesinas - Nodos azules: asesinados
Votos por la paz en Colombia
Voters in Colombia have rejected a landmark peace deal with Farc rebels in a shock referendum result, with 50.2% voting against it. The deal was signed last week by President Juan Manuel Santos and Farc leader Timoleon Jimenez after nearly four years of negotiations. But it needed to be ratified by Colombians in order to come into force. Addressing the nation, President Santos said he accepted the result but would continue working to achieve peace. BBC News, 3 oct 2016
Peace Colombia voting
Voters in Colombia have rejected a landmark peace deal with Farc rebels in a shock referendum result, with 50.2% voting against it. The deal was signed last week by President Juan Manuel Santos and Farc leader Timoleon Jimenez after nearly four years of negotiations. But it needed to be ratified by Colombians in order to come into force. Addressing the nation, President Santos said he accepted the result but would continue working to achieve peace. BBC News, 3 oct 2016
#30DayChartChallenge - Day 2
Una muy buena librería para comparar gráficos: trelliscopejs
#30DayChartChallenge - Day 2
Una muy buena librería para comparar gráficos: trelliscopejs
Next Word prediction ShinyApp
This is a pitch for a Shiny application that make use of the Natural Language Processing framework and predict the next word given an user input phrase.
Next Word prediction - Milestone report
This document is the Milestone report for week 2 of the Coursera Data Science Capstone and shows the initial roadmap to construct a Shiny App for predicting the next word, with Natural Language Processing as a framework.
Killer Sudoku Sums
The purpose of the application described here is helping Killer Sudoku players, showing the posible combinations of numbers for a given sum.
Worst health and economic harmful weather events in the USA
This brief analysis explores the data from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database, and tries to answer three simple questions: Which types of weather events cause more fatalities to the USA population? Which types of weather events causes more injuries to the USA population? Which types of weather events are the most expensive to USA?