

Rhea Premanand

Recently Published

Final Project Workflow - Rhea Premanand
This is the full workflow for the final project.
Final Project Report - Rhea Premanand
This is the cleaned up final project report that loads in the scaled data and performs pca analysis on it.
In Class Exercise: Studying Natural Selection with SNPs
Worked Example Part 2: Data Analysis
PCA on SNPs data form a vcf file 10-PCA_worked_example-SNPs-part2.Rmd
Worked Example Part 1: Data Preparation
PCA on SNPs data from a .vcf file 09-PCA_worked_example-SNPs-part1.Rmd
PCA Analysis Case Study - Bird Species Morphology
Portfolio 08-PCA_worked.Rmd
Working with VCF Files 4: Imputation of Missing Data
Working with VCF files 3: Removing samples with many NAs
bird_snps_remove_NAs.Rmd Portfolio
Removing Fixed Alleles from SNP Data
Preparing VCF data for Analysis: Transportation
12/2/22 transpose_VCF_data.Rmd
Setting a working directory and loading data
working_directory_practice with walsh_2017_morphology data
Software Checkpoint: vcfR
RPubs Portfolio: the vegan package and PCA
Under the Hood of PCA
Portfolio Assignment with vegan_PCA_amino_acids-STUDENT.Rmd file
Software Checkpoint: RPubs